Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday Thoughts to Tunes

It's amazing what you can do what you don't know what you can't do.  I am reveling in the fact that this past week at the Y I was lifting more than teenage boys 1/2 my age as well as a crusty Navy vet.  Yay for me!  Stoked!  All my clothes are fitting better too and my bloodwork rocked!!!  Cue: Animal by Def Leppard

I do not like dried apricots.  More specifically my GI tract does not.  I don't plan to buy them again for a year or so or more unless I am thru hiking the AT or sleeping on the roof or if I need to punish someone within 15 feet of me.  Cue:  Peaches and Cream by PDiddy

Baby G is scratching her nails on her mattress right now for attention.  Must.not.cave.  How annoying.  Seriously.  I'm going to try and provide "bigger carrots" and highlight her positive behavior with rewards rather than react to her bad behaviors and punishments.  Surely this will be a challenge but I think it's best to start young.  I remember at NA we had the "chip" system in 5th grade.  Operant conditioning at it's finest.  Yay.  Cue: More Human than Human by White Zombie

I still need a miracle to happen.  And a hero.  Not the sandwich.  Cue: We Don't Need Another Hero by Tina Turner

My brother is in boot camp and said they carry M16s everywhere.  Even to church services.  I find this ironic.  Nothing is sacred....finish the quote.  Really.  See previous line.  Cue: Shape of my Heart by Sting

Baby G tried sushi (cooked California Roll) today and loved it.  What a hoot.  Cue Buffalo Stance by Nenah Cherry

Today at work I was designing primers for DNA sequencing; PCR specifically.  I found myself thinking CAT California Georgia TAG GAGA California Georgia and so on and so on.  Dying! Cue Georgia on my Mind as sung by Willie Nelson

I want a garden and a chicken coop and some hired help to take care of them for me.  LOL!  Cue Devil Went Down to Georgia by Charlie Daniels Band

At lunch, when I shared the "lien" notice from my insurance co, my friend KL asked me "WHAT do you OWN?"  Ha!  Nothing except my truck!!!  Nothing worth the amount of the lien...which...thankfully my insurance co will take care of ...they...said. Cue Truckin' by Grateful Dead

What the h*ll is up with this weather? Cue It's Raining Men by the Weather Girls

I bought a bottle of chammers for my weekend sunning adventures.  Gold bikini+golden body+sparkly!  Cue Sun Is Shining by Bob Marley

Peace out and happy weekending y'all!

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